Schildkröten- und Reptilienzoo

City: Neu-Ulm

Country: Germany

State: Bavaria


Opend 2005


Species 200

This is one of Germanys largest Terrarium and shows one of the world largest turtle collections, beside reptiles it also has som hoofstock like the bactrian camel

Vis stort kort
Last visit 2013

Schildkröten- und Reptilienzoo
Brunnenweg 46
D 89231 Neu-Ulm

Phone nr 0731-98099989

Open tuesday-sunday 10am-6pm



Entrance fee

  • Adult 6,- Euro
  • Child 3,- Euro
  • Familly 15,- Euro

Annual card

  • Adult 30,- Euro
  • Child 15,- Euro
  • Familly 60,- Euro

There are several daily feeding shows, for the time please ask at the till station.

At the tillstation you allready meet the first tortoise, the Seychelles Giant Tortoise. This is one of more than 60 species of turtles and tortoises at this terrarium. Of course there also is a crocodile,several species of bird eating spiders and poison dart frogs. Outside you meet a paddock with typical farm animals - a bit exotic though is the bactrian camel

DE: Dieses ist eines der grössten Terrarien in Deutschland, es werden überwiegend Reptilien gezeigt, aber selbst ein paar Säugetiere wie das Kamel haben hier ein zuhause gefunden. Vielleicht Europas grösste Schildkrötensamlung findet man hier.

DK: Dette er et af Tysklands største terrarier hvor der især vises krybdyr. Ligeledes er der endda enkelte pattedyr der vises, som en kamel. Huset har muligvis Europas største samling af skildpadder
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